I asked an A.I. (Lex.page) “how to detect plagiarism in a.i. generated content”. It answered as follows.
Detecting plagiarized content in AI-generated content can be challenging, as it can be difficult to tell if this content is original or not. To start, you should use plagiarism-detection software to help flag any instances of plagiarism, including AI-generated content. Additionally, you can use AI-generated content analysis tools to evaluate the content for patterns and similarities that may indicate plagiarism. Finally, as AI-generated content typically lacks the nuance and complexity of human-generated content, you should look for any inconsistencies and overly simple expressions that could point to plagiarized content.
There are plenty of plagiarism finder tools available in the market. A.I. has become intelligent enough (even in these early stages). I’m sure the A.I.-generated content on the web is growing exponentially and will continue to grow; there’s almost no way to stop it.
A.I. services like Longshot.ai, Lex.page can compose a fine-tuned (using the right prompts). I can safely bet that the number of A.I. services to write the content will triple by the end of Q2 2023. In other words, there’s no way you can stop AI from spitting content into the internet (that’s everywhere).
worst part
The worst part is, it is hard to distinguish between original content (written by humans) and content generated by AI. It will become even more difficult once AI becomes more clever than right now (which is inevitable).
fighting plagiarism with A.I.
AI already gained the capability of detecting plagiarised ideas (as opposed to the reuse of words) that were rephrased to escape from plagiarism detection tools.
Finding plagiarism is one thing, detecting A.I. generated content is another.
Orginality.ai claims that it can detect contents generated by AI like Jasper.
Repeating quote.
AI-generated content typically lacks the nuance and complexity of human-generated content, you should look for any inconsistencies and overly simple expressions that could point to plagiarized content.
Nuances, the complexity of human thinking makes the content human-ish.
crediting humans rather than glorifying AI
Assuming that AI can compose ideal content, human content may have a few nuances that AI can’t pick up unless the AI is not trained with the particular person’s past creations. In that case, AI can perfectly mimic the content created by humans.
If you feed the Harry Potter series to AI and ask it to continue the novel (adding a pinch of imagination from the AI side) would it be like it was written by J.K. Rowling?
While embracing AI into our life, crediting humans would be an important task in the future with AI.